reading journal

In the article “What is art for?”  the author discusses all of the different meanings of art and what it does for people. The author describes art as the variety of ways and activities that someone expresses themselves whether it’s visually, performing, etc. Art has been used in education, teaching kids lessons and different concepts. This actually surprised me; until now I never really thought about how much we do use art with children. Many children are visually learners but also are very artistic growing up, whether its drawing; even if its scribbles, legos, etc. Art also helps even adults, just like in my essay I speak on how art is almost like a therapy for me… This article reads “to keep us hopeful and less lonely” such as we find hope in art and many have a hard time expressing sadness and feelings unless it is in art. “To help us appreciate life and focus on what really matters” throughout history art has influence political and social change at times when it was needed. “Develop self-knowledge and rebalancing our state” they say that we perceive as beautiful the qualities we do not have. Lastly, to “philosophize life & improve it” if we were to discuss artwork with another individual we would see the different perspectives, insights, values, etc. about life. You can clearly tell that the author is very passionate about art and all of the benefits that come along with it.

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