Photo Essay

Cloud Gate, also known as “the bean” is located in Chicago, Illinois’ Millennium Park. Cloud Gate opened to the public in and was not completely finished until May 2006, by artist Anish Kapoor. Not long after, the sculpture became a famous symbol of Chicago attracting tourists from all over. Everyone began to call the sculpture […]


Art is said to be beneficial in many ways and is a fun and simple way for people to express themselves. Art works almost therapeutically, as it helps with depression, anxiety, and distracts your mind from the outside world. We all take part in some form of art, nearly everyday; think about music and how […]

Text Wresting Final draft

As Fast Company states, Spotify is a Swedish company available in the Americas, Western Europe, parts of Asia, and Australia for streaming music, videos, and podcasts through agreements with record labels; they also have their own content. You can stream either for free, with ads, and limited skips, or with a paid subscription without ads […]

Ethnography final draft

Throughout years of school, we are all aware of the different groups, especially in music. Orchestra, chorus, and band are just a few of the many branches of the music department. They each are related in some way, yet are completely different. I have observed the Dartmouth High School Marching Band’s practices, as well as […]

Ethnography Rough Draft

Throughout years of school, we are all aware of the different groups, especially in music. Orchestra, chorus, and band are just a few of the many branches of the music department. They each are related in some way, yet are completely different. The members have different connections, relationships, requirements, sounds, and much more. I have […]

Peer review #2

In Brooke’s text wrestling essay, “The Problem With Muzak” it is clear the main idea of the article. Although it could be expanded and further explained. Such as, how does Spotify favor larger record labels over smaller, independent ones? Or what were the algorithms and why were they created for retail stores? You get the […]

Essay 2 Rough Draft

In “The Problem with Muzak,” Liz Pelly argues that Spotify is taking over the success and recognition that labels deserve; Pelly explains that the playlists Spotify is so popularly known for are created algorithmically and to tie in with ‘moods’ taking interest away from artists/labels themselves; Spotify is attempting to replace labels. As Pelly tries […]


While editing my memoir from my rough draft and to my final draft, I actually decided to rewrite my memoir completely. I often in the past would just quickly revise and fix minor mistakes in my rough drafts; not making the rough draft much different from the final draft. I decided to read over my […]

Final draft

  “Everyone gather together and give me a big smile!!!” I can assume that nearly anyone and everyone can vividly picture a scenario exactly like I described… unfortunately. Family gatherings, holidays, your first day of school, etc. *click* *click* *flash* “Just one more!” Though the process can be almost painful; a picture is definitely worth […]