Four sentences & a scene

My hometown was a magnificent place to grow up…many familiar, welcoming faces, gorgeous waters, and lots to explore.

Laci took pride in her eccentric style, she had her very own ‘look’ which made never failed to urge people to turn their heads.

Mr.Brown was most definitely not the best teacher i’ve ever had…he never seemed to be very helpful and was rather rude.

The room was rather bland and not very life-like, it seemed the lack of light and creativity left you in a sorrowful mood.

The golden light casted upon the beach, projecting on the still, calming waters. The young girl seemed to almost glow in the sunlight, as her long, blonde hair blew in the salty air. She walked up and down the beach in a tranquil way, scouting the warm, soft sand for sea glass and seashells, unwinding from all of her stresses and thoughts.

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