Memoir sample

Do What You Love

  1. In this memoir the writer (Tony Hawk) talks about their “job”…. skateboarding. He explains how your career does not always need to be what others consider to be ‘acceptable’ and ‘touchable’. If you have a dream, you strive for that dream, for happiness. It does not need to make you rich and/or famous, and you don’t need to be at the very top to be successful. If it makes you happy, then do it! A job does not need to feel like a “job”….take your passions and keep pushing for success, and don’t give up on them; no matter what anyone else has to say.
  2. I picked this memoir because I believe in this idea completely. You don’t need to be stuck at a job behind a desk, or working any other stressful, hard-working job to be successful. You can always turn your passions into your work. This memoir reminds you to follow your dreams and that your dreams aren’t out of reach; that is why I chose this memoir. Yes, I do believe this gave me some ideas toward my own memoir!
  3. Everyone has a dream, a passion, something that they love. We all have certain interests that shape us into who we are. This article can apply to anyone and everyone…if there is something that you want, you get up and you get it. People always have others barking at them with their own opinions and thoughts, but this should never take away from our passions and what make us happy. Push for success, no matter what is going on around you, what everyone else is saying, doing, thinking, etc.

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